As our industry’s market leader, we’ve taken the lead implementing inspection best practices related to COVID-19. We understand the risks of COVID-19 and have implemented best practices to help keep you, your clients, and our inspectors safe.
On-site Inspection
Personal Protective Equipment
Our inspectors are equipped with the highest-quality protective gear – safety masks, disposable gloves, and protective disposable footwear.
Social Distancing
Our inspectors practice social distancing and maintain safe distances from others. If anyone is sick, has a fever, or is concerned about being contagious, stay home!
Safe Hygiene Practices
Our inspectors wash their hands regularly before, during, and after inspections. We also practice good respiratory hygiene – cover mouth and nose with bent elbow or tissue if coughing or sneezing.
Semi-Virtual Inspection
Solo On-Site
Our inspectors inspect a home solo and adhere to the same on-site protocols – personal protective equipment, safe hygiene practices (and social distancing if anyone else is present).
Same-day Report
We deliver the industry’s finest report – graphical summary, narrative summary using easy-to-understand terms and clickable page links, and lots of clickable, high-res photos. All accessible via the cloud.
Post-Inspection Video-conference
Our inspectors are trained to deliver report guidance via post-inspection video conference, e.g., Hangouts, Zoom.
With our semi-virtual inspection, it’s as if you were on-site for the inspection.